科學辯論與科展 Scientific Debate and Science Fair

過去兩週國際部學生舉辦了兩場科學盛宴- 科學辯論與國際部科展。科學辯論探討人工智慧在醫學應用的優缺點,科展則展示了學生在科學及工程領域上的探究成果。兩場活動讓我們看到許多明日之星,期待他們未來更近一步,持續發光發熱。

Over the past two weeks, the International Department students hosted two events - a scientific debate and a science fair. The scientific debate explored the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence in medical applications, while the science fair exhibit students' research achievements in the fields of science and engineering. These two events allowed us to witness many rising stars, and we look forward to seeing them shine even brighter in the future.

AcademicSara Lin