籃球友誼賽MDID Basketball Competition

MDID Basketball Team持續積極參與與其他國際學校的友誼賽。在最近一次與葳格高中部和弘文國際部的激烈對戰中,球員們展現了極高的戰術討論能力、團隊合作精神和溝通技巧。他們不僅互相鼓勵,還學習了如何快速找出問題並迅速改進。這場比賽不僅是一次展現平時訓練成果的機會,更是一次從挫折中學習、成長的寶貴機會。通過挑戰自我,他們將更上一層樓,不斷進步,為未來的比賽做更好的準備!

The MDID basketball team continues to participate in friendly games against other international schools this semester. In a recent intense conflict between the Wagor General Department and Hongwen International Department, the participants demonstrated strong communication, teamwork, and tactical discussion abilities. They not only supported one another but also learned how to solve issues and make adjustments fast. This game is a great opportunity to learn from mistakes and improve in addition to showcasing the results of daily training. They will move on to the next level, keep becoming stronger, and be more prepared for contests in the future.

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