第五屆明道模擬聯合國寒假訓練營 (Winter IntroMUN)

第五屆明道模擬聯合國寒訓 (5th MD IntroMUN) 於 2024 年 1/29 至 1/31舉辦,有別於其他正規模聯,“IntroMUN” 特別針對新手代表設計的模擬會議,由學術志工,指導代表會前準備,訓練資料查找、文件撰寫即英語會話能力。此活動會帶領代表接觸模聯、透過經驗分享及主席的攜手教學,提前學習模聯價值,並且進入模聯的大家庭。

 因此,此會議吸引從國一生至高中二年級學生,促進跨年齡的交流,共同探討國際時事及社會議題。此會議的議題為,The Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity (確保記者的安全及可罰性),主席團選擇與生活較接近的議題,其中討論包括軍事衝突造成的人權問題,啟發代表對議題的重視。活動中的辯答及台上互動,可以促進思辨能力、領導、表達、溝通等,幫助代表發覺自身潛力及進步。


 The 5th Mingdao IntroMUN was held on 1/29~1/31, 2024. Unlike other regular conferences, this activity was designed for first MUNers to do pre-conference preparation, practice researching skills, and producing text. 5th IntroMUN invited experienced MUNers to be academic staff and guide delegates throughout the whole conference. 

 This event has attracted students from grade 7~11 to discuss the topic of The Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity. Delegates are expected to discuss sub-topics regarding human rights and military forces that might further affect the safety of Journalists. Throughout the three-day mock conference, delegates will be able to improve critical thinking skills, practice leadership skills, and communication skills. 

 This year's IntroMUN has a systematic working system that includes students from all Mingdao departments. It helps gain different event ideas and increase student engagement which explore students potential and “discover themselves!”

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