逢甲大學國際科技與管理學院 第六屆國際盃籃球邀請賽6th International Basketball Cup Invitational Tournament

今年的MDID basketball team 再次的受邀參加逢甲大學所辦的國際學校籃球聯賽。在這次的比賽中,球員能與教練溝通並討論戰術、和球隊達成合作與溝通的機會、學習其他國際學校的運動精神,並在比賽結束時檢討自己及探討下次比賽如何改進。這項比賽不但可以讓球員們展現平時練習的成果,同時也能讓他們從錯誤中學習及成長,讓他們挑戰自我,更加進步!

The MDID basketball team was invited to the Feng Chia University-hosted International School Basketball League once more this season. In this game, students get to learn about other international schools' sportsmanship, interact with coaches and talk about strategies, evaluate themselves at the conclusion of the match and talk about how to get better the next time. Players can demonstrate the fruits of their daily practice in this tournament, but they can also learn from their errors and improve from them, pushing themselves farther and reaching new heights!

奕廷 賴