2022 MDMUN Mingdao Model United Nations 明道模擬聯合國

[明道中學國際部 Mingdao International Department]

第十二屆MDMUN明道模擬聯合國活動,於8/13-15舉行,感謝全國各校代表的參與,今年因應疫情仍維持線上辦理,更因此打破距離限制,甚至有澎湖的國中生、花蓮的高中生等參加。今年共有四個議會,主題為「世界衛生組織 WHO - 如何降低婦女及孩童間的物質濫用」、「聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室 UNODC - 如何防治毒品於網路上的非法交易」、「特別政治與非殖民化委員會 SPECPOL - 如何減緩綠色殖民對北極內圈原住民的影響」和「歷史性危機委員會 - 正視1994北愛爾蘭衝突與相關危機」。其中,危機委員會較少出現在高中模擬聯合國會議中,挑戰難度高。


We would like to once again express our appreciation for your participation in the 2022 Mingdao Model United Nations.  This year, there are four committees for delegates with different levels of difficulty:

World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

(UNODC), Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL, General

Assembly Fourth Committee), and Crisis Committee. Delegates will be discussing

different ongoing issues in each committee.  Among them, Crisis committee rarely appears in high school Model United Nations conferences because of the high challenge.

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