
在這一年一次的Thanksgiving party,我們邀請了所有的老師們聚在一起享受感恩午餐,除了必備的火雞外,也邀請老師一人一盤,分享他們自豪的拿手好菜,更濃郁了感恩節在明道中學國際部的氛圍,學生們也在每日營養豐沛的學餐中,加上了火雞這道感恩必備佳餚,在主任一片一片放入學生盤中的過程裡,感受到付出是不分高低,不分階級,都是來自一份願意的心,期望在這個溫暖的節日裡,可以製造出更多感恩養分,充滿在國際部的每個角落,讓感恩的心永不消減。

Once a year, on the event of Thanksgiving Party, we invited all of the teachers to enjoy Thanksgiving lunch together. Besides the turkey, everyone brings a special dish to share.

The Thanksgiving atmosphere spreaded in MDID when our director handed out a slice of Turkey to each and every student. We are no different from each other. Willingness of offering love and help filled every corner of MDID with gratitude that will last forever.